Friday, April 15, 2016

BERSERAH PADAMU YAALLAH..Doa dan Usaha serta Tawakal padamu YaAllah

Pengorbanan perjalanan ini hampir sampai ke penghujungnya Insyallah..perjalanan seorang pelajar dalam masa sama seorg isteri, ibu dan anak. Saat ini, aku mohon kepadaMu untuk memakbulkan hambaMu yang hina ini agar usahaku, pengorbananku selama ini diberi rahmat dan darjat yang tinggi di sisiMu. Aku berserah kepadaMu namun hamba ini benar2 inginkan kejayaan ini dicapai, digenggam pada masa yang ditetapkan dengan izinMu, YaaLLAH Aku menuntut ilmu ini keranaMu YaAllah. Maka Nikmat Tuhanmu Yang Manakah Yang Dustakan - ArRahman:13 Memang benar sekali rexeki itu milikMu. Terima Kasih YaAllah atas segala NIKMAT yang telah KAU kurniakan kepada KAMI selama hampir 4 tahun kami di bumi bertuah ini. Pengembaraan kami sekeluarga di bumi ENGLAND, juga diberi peluang menjelajah ke negara2 Eropah yang lain seperti PERANCIS, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, BELGIUM, LUXERMBORG, AUSTRIA, ITALI, NETHERLAND juga negara yang banyak sejarah Islam iaitu TURKI. Alhamdulillah SubhanaAllah Allahuakhbar!! Praise be to Allah, The Beneficient, The Most Merciful. Allah makes the IMPOSSIBLE to POSSIBLE. Its proven! Ameen Ya Rabbil A'lamin. Al-Baqarah: 289 "Allah does not lay a responsibility on anyone beyond his capacity. In his favour shall be whatever good each one does, and against him whatever evil he does. (Believers! Pray thus to your Lord): “Our Lord! Take us not to task if we forget or commit mistakes." True...True Indeed! Jihad, people normally think that jihad something connected with war. :) what is JIHAD? *Smiling in Tough Moment is JIHAD *Keeping Patience in Hard Times is JIHAD *Struggling for Good Deads is JIHAD *Taking Care of Old Parents in a Loving Way is JIHAD *Forgiving is JIHAD AND i would like to add one more which I think it fall under Good Deeds is SEEKING KNOWLEDGE IN THE WAY OF ALLAH is JIHAD too :) I am so happy today and I am so grateful to HIM for giving me the great and uncountable value of opportunity to be here in UK, SEEKING KNOWLEDGE and with the lovely kids and husband whi sacrifice a lots since 2012 until now and hopefully forever to improve our way of life and to be better muslims, InsyAllah. Through this journey of life I would say, the wonderful lessons we had learnt and we spend our quality time together. We will miss this memorable moments soon when we go back to our beloved country soon! I cans see a sincere and happy smile from my lovely supervisor this morning saying that I am now ready to prepare for the final submission of my thesis. Alhamdulillah after 3 and the half struggling with these journey of life, eventually the outcome will be gained soon Ameen. I am looking forward for the most hardest yet happy (I hope:)) moment soon. Whomever read this (I am not sure ;P) please pray for me yeah.. doakan Allah mudahkan urusanKu, luruskan lidahku untuk menjawab soalan2 nanti... Assalamaualaikum...

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