Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Birthday to my dearest princess Nurdayana Batrisya!

Luv You foreva!!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday to our daughter Batrisya..
U have been cherished the family with ur tears and laughs..
Ibu & Bapa really pray for u to stay healthy, smart
and be a soleheh dotter..Amin..

InysyaAllah on the big day we will go somewhere ok and you will receive something from us....
Tisya dah boleh:
* Tisya dah pandai ikut ibu ngan bapa semayang. in fact dgr azan Tisya yg kalut g ajak amik wuduk! cayang ibu!
*Tisya dah pandai ckp in a sentences which we can understand..heheh before this bahasa dia jerr....
*Tisya dah pandai pegang pensel...she pretend to act like a waitress in fact! ahhaha..selalu dpt pensel and kertas sure amik order! 'bu nak aper..?' cute!!
*Tisya dah pandai bunyi2 a few animals...kekeke ..bila tanya 'ikan jerung ckp macamana?'..she will respond..'dia ikan, ana leh akap..ehheh'...dia copycat watak budak kecik iklan susu dugro if Im not mistaken!

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