Thursday, March 21, 2013

Macular Distortion !!

salam....look at the headline very scientific term yet scary (for me) for the first time hear that!! itulaah yg dialami oleh diri ini sekarang...huhuhu..takpala ujian DIA kan...masih lagi boleh lihat nak banding mereka2 yg tiada deria utk melihat...syukur.. this is the symptom where ur vision 'cacat' happend once when I took off my contact lense last 3 weeks...ingat masalah contact lense expired ker..g test mata kat kedai spec..ingat mcm kat msia jaa leh test2, pastu dia bg result either power increase or vice-versa..tup, even kedai spec..the optician is there...checkup thoroughly and gave the superb feedback tp really worth of paying 10 ponds just fr the eye test! (mula2 pk dasat betoi, nak check mata pun kena charge..BUT dah mcm ni, kira okla kannn,,,:) then dia kata u have the macular distortion! adoii.kat kepla ni ..'apala menda alah nie she dis explained to me briefly about di call terus hospital, eye clinic..buat appointment! perghhhh dasat service depa...bukan kita yg kena g sana terhegeh2 nak pi buat kedai spec yg buat!! wow!! alhadulillah senang berurusan kan? then terus dpt date of appoinmemnt 2 weeks after that!..biasala hosp kan mest Q panjang...sooooo.....last week pergilaaa jumpa doc...result>>>>>>> no solution right now because u have to come for the next 2 months to see ur retina structure again! skrg ni tgh blur2 lagi but the improvement is there even its not clear as before...mende ni kadang leh hilang sendiri without see how it sya allah harap2 okla...kalau x ok gak maybe need some treatment or laser! so scaryyyyyyyy....:( main cause whether u take too much steroid ( NOT definitely!) or stress (YES OBVIOUSLY!) :))...Student kot...mana tk stress stress mata tgk laptop laa nak wat camna pun..dah study pun bidang computer takkan nak tgk mende lain kan...:) takpala...hopefully those who read my blog...pray for me ya! :) tula kwn2 dok kata..baru 5 bulan dh stress ka? hahahhaha...lain org lain cara noo...I have my own style of doing things and maybe these lead to the problem...need to ubah cara hidup? ohh nooo...maybe kena relax lebih...takyah tgk laptop, main ngan anak2 kot...kekkekek....well...dalam seminggu ni alhamdulillah, mata dah ok ..dah tak macam berombak2, beralun2...kalau x, mmg pening, cannot focus too long to the obj and am going to get headhache! but now its better..and thanks to kak azah yg bagi petua doa perubatan cara islam..boleh amalkan selalu...:) alhamdulillah...

Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy Birthday to u my dear hubby! :)

08032013--my hubby's birthday, dah dok cni takdan cari kedai2 kek ..mcm leceh nk jumpa last2 decide ngan tisya kita buat kek jom!!so tisya was so excited..ibu pun g kedai cari bahan2 kek + teringin makan carbonara spag so buat sikit utk kami se-family :) wonderful day,,moga Allah kuniakan keberkatan dan kebahagiaan pada KAMI:)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013