Wednesday, November 18, 2009

6 months old boy....

pejam celik pejam celik dah 6 bulan dah anakku Danish Irfan...It seems that Danish much more easy to handle compared to his sis ..kekekek...pandai Danish bawak diri org tua kata...danish nangis bila lapar and dyper dia basah jer...Danish skrg dh leh berdiri!mak aii advance dah anak ibu nie...yerla masa 2 bulan stgh dah meniarap..pastu 5 bulan dah start 'mop lantai'...last week dah pandai gapai sofa and terus we shud be more careful with danish..cant let him stand alone especially when Tisya's around.....kakak ni syg kat adik dia tp a bit kasaq sikit...adoiii...

Kakak Tisya makin hari makin banyak lak songeh dia....paling lawak bila dia banyk celoteh dia...apa2 sikit suka tanya...isk isk kadang2 penat gak nk layan tp i think its a good practise if she asks a lot, we shud give answer in proper way...drawing, writing can be considered as her hobby...everyday mesti sibuk tanya whether ibu brings me coloring book or not today...heheheheh...its ok dear, i am not forcing you to do all these ....jadi hobi pun dah ok....

Danish with 6 months old pose....

Tisya with 3 years old style....

Classic View....

These are the team-mate for MEX-IT Pro Exhibition